International Trade and Tax

International trade among countries bring great benefits to nations involved because of the competitive advantages each country would contribute; and international trade contributes to global efficiency. That is the general understanding. However, in reality, international trade could also be subject to disputes domestically or internationally.

For example, when the buyer buys international cheaper products, concurrently a domestic seller loses a sale whom then might request the government for protection through trade barriers.  Trade barriers vary from country to country. For Vietnam, WTO assessment and trade agreements i.e. AFTA, ACFTA, AKFTA, AJCEP, VJEAP, AIFTA, AANZFTA, VCFTA, VKFTA, VN-EAEU FTA, CPTPP, AHKFTA, EVFTA, UKVFTA, RCEP govern the level of integration of domestic trade into the global trade and provide mechanism for potential disputes with and against Vietnam traders, governments.

Our lawyer in international trade and tax practice at ANT Lawyers help clients with compliance and contentious matters the following:

Regularly update international manufacturers, exporters and importers on latest trade regulations and import-export tariffs of Vietnam;

Provide advice on WTO disputes, international and regional trade agreements in relation to Vietnam as member, Vietnam laws in regard of international trade disputes, anti-dumping, shipping, customs, import and export control, and other trade-related issue.

Provide tax advice, tax compliance, and general tax consulting to various industries including banking, power, automobile, telecom, services, trading and manufacturing sectors on Corporate Income Tax, Personal Income Tax, Value Added Tax, Foreign Contractor Withholding Tax in Vietnam.

Provide dispute resolution by international trade dispute lawyers in Vietnam with understanding FTAs Vietnam rectified.

You could learn more about ANT Lawyers International Trade and Tax or contact our International Trade Dispute Law Firm in Vietnam for advice via email or call our office at +84 28 730 86 529 or talk to our partner directly at  + 84 912 817 823.

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We are available at offices in central of Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City and Da Nang that help cover through out Vietnam.

Tel: +84 24 730 86 529